OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH, Germany, has incorporated OCULUS Medical Devices India Pvt Ltd as its 12th international subsidiary as of 1st May 2023. Located in Mumbai, OCULUS India with Mr Srinivasan Seshadrinathan (Mr Sri) appointed as Managing Director, aims to provide cutting-edge medical equipment to the Indian market while maintaining the high standards and quality that OCULUS is known for.
The partnership with the valued distributor, KLB Instruments, represented by Managing Director Mr Diwaker Paul, will be continued. OCULUS appreciates its long-standing partnership with KLB Instruments and is committed to continuing its support and work for strategic accounts and service partnership to enhance the customer experience.
You can reach OCULUS India via email s.sri@oculus.in. The known contacts at KLB Instruments via email info@klb.in and phone +91 11 4154 3333 remain the same.