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Keratograph 4

From a measuring instrument to a consultation tool

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OCULUS Keratograph 4

Gold standard corneal topography – that’s what the Keratograph 4 is all about. It ensures reliability when it comes to taking measurements, providing consultation and fitting contact lenses. The Keratograph generates findings you can build on. The integrated keratometer and automatic measurement activation guarantee perfect reproducibility. In this way, the Keratograph 4 also meets highest clinical standards for such procedures as tear film assessment and qualitative cornea analysis. It stands out by virtue of its versatility.

  • Taking Measurements with Placido Ring Illumination
    The cornea is represented across its entire surface and globally using thousands of measuring points. Precise measurements form the basis for many modes of analysis and representation, such as automatic keratoconus detection and 3D representation of the cornea.
  • Taking Measurements with the Blue Light Emitting Diode
    Previously you may have taken static fluo images and videos using the slit lamp – now you can also do so with the Keratograph 4! Use this function to examine the fit and mobility of contact lenses.
  • Precise Measurements, Comprehensible Presentation – A Picture Says More Than a Thousand Words
    Use the Keratograph 4 as a marketing tool and incorporate it actively into your consultations. With the Keratograph 4 software you can show images which your patients have never seen before. Competent consultation (e.g. during follow-up exams) builds trust and forms the basis for intensive patient loyalty. The Keratograph 4 – not only a measuring instrument but also an ideal marketing tool.
OCULUS Keratograph 4



The integrated keratometer guarantees highest measurement precision and reproducibility. After measurements have been taken, the comprehensive overview display mode gives you a fast overview.

Among other parameters, the central radii, K values, corneal astigmatism, eccentricity and corneal curvature are displayed. The colour topographic maps depict the curvature of the anterior corneal surface. Irregularities can be seen and measured on the camera image.
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Contact Lens Fitting

Contact lenses are recommended on an individual basis and displayed in a list. In order to avoid taking more steps than necessary when fitting contact lenses, the fluo image can be simulated beforehand.

The contact lens can be rotated and moved around. Fluo image simulation is adjusted automatically. The integrated and expandable database contains all customary types of contact lenses and is updated on a regular basis. The user can determine the order in which contact lens manufacturers appear.
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OxiMap® – Visualizing the Oxygen Transmissibility

Professional patient consultation
The cornea needs oxygen and a good oxygen supply is fundamental for the comfort of a contact lens wearer.

New materialsused for soft contact lenses offer excellent oxygen transmissibility. This can be shown with the new OCULUS OxiMap® display. You can easily show these color maps to your patients and help them choose better contact lenses.
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TF-Scan Makes the Tear Film Visible

This software shows the quality and quantity of the tear film. In cases of dry eye patients and contact lens wearers, the tear film should be examined carefully. Only an intact tear film guarantees contact lens wearing comfort!

The Keratograph 4 measures the tear film breakup time non-invasively (quality assessment). You can show your patient the individual tear film quality using the color maps and by taking another non-invasive measurement to determine the amount of tear film (tear film quantity).
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Complete Documentation

Follow-ups require comparison of several examinations, so that changes may be easily detected and fully documented. Regular follow-up examinations provide reliability, cultivating a relationship of trust between you and your patient. The Keratograph software includes both data and image documentation.

Fourier Analysis

The Fourier Analysis is an important tool for visualizing the amount of corneal irregularity. Using the Fourier Analysis, the topography map is divided into individual components. The first three are standard components that represent lower order aberration, while the fourth map shows the amount of corneal irregularity or higher order aberration.

Zernike Analysis

Irregularities of the cornea can be depicted clearly with the Zernike Analysis. If the aberration coefficient is elevated, it indicates impairment of the eye’s optical imaging quality. The exact location of the apex can also be identified easily using the Zernike Analysis. The location of the apex is marked with a black cross.

Topographic Keratoconus Screening

Using the Topographic Keratoconus Screening display, topographic abnormalities can be detected and diagnosed with ease. The measurements are compared with normative data. If deviations are found, the measurements are shown in yellow or red, creating a topographic classification.

Abnormalities such as keratoconus can be detected in the early stage and classified. The Topographic Keratoconus Screening display helps compare follow-up exams and shows whether an existing keratoconus is stable or progressing.
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The heart of the Keratograph 4

Professionalism through innovation
Near-portion Height Measurement
Palpebral Angle Measurement
Tear Film Quality (NIKBUT)
Tear Meniscus Height
Visualizing the oxygen transmissibility of soft lenses
Plain and Comprehensive Visualization Assures Patient Loyalty!
How Much Oxygen Really Reaches the Cornea?
Contact lenses are recommended on an individual basis and displayed in a list. In order to avoid taking more steps than necessary when fitting contact lenses, the fluo image can
be simulated beforehand. The contact lens can be rotated and moved around. Fluo image simulation is adjusted automatically. The integrated and expandable database contains all
customary types of contact lenses and is updated on a regular basis. The user can determine the order in which contact lens manufacturers appear.
Using the “Imaging” option, real fluo images and videos are recorded – similar to the way images can be seen with a slit lamp using fluo drops. In this way you can check and demonstrate the fit and mobility of contact lenses to patients. All images and videos as well as suggested contact lens fits are saved automatically.
Using the “Pupillometry” option, the reaction of either pupil can be checked with and without glare. This provides the basis for selecting the proper treatment zone for laser controlled surface ablation, multifocal contact lenses or premium IOLs. The left and right pupil reaction can be compared.
This software precisely simulates the near-portion height of rigid bifocal contact lenses, simplifying the complex fitting process.
Measurement of the imaginable angle of the nasal side of the lower eyelid facilitates determination of the expected inclination or stabilization axis when fitting toric contact lenses. Save time and money by giving this information to the contact lens manufacturer when placing your order.
Patients and contact lens wearers with dry eye syndrome require a careful examination of the tear film. Only an intact tear film guarantees contact lens wearing comfort. The Keratograph 4 measures the tear film break-up time non-invasively (quality assessment). You can show your patient their individual tear film quality using the colour maps. In addition, you can take a further non-invasive measurement to determine the amount of tear film (tear film quantity).

The Keratograph 4 determines the break-up time using the NIKBUT procedure (non-invasive Keratograph break-up time).
Changes in the projected Placido rings (displacement of the ring edges) give an indication of the break-up time of the tear film on the cornea.

The Tear Map shows the affected areas: The respective break-up time is graphically illustrated for each segment in seconds and according to the principle of a traffic light.
The graph shows the percentage of area affected during the measuring period.

Never has a precise measurement been so easy. You can evaluate the course of the tear meniscus along the eyelid using the infrared illumination and precisely measure the tear meniscus height with the built-in ruler. Different magnification levels facilitate measurement, and the resulting value is automatically saved in the patient file.
The cornea needs oxygen, and a good oxygen supply is fundamental for comfortable contact lens wear. New materials used for soft contact lenses offer excellent oxygen transmissibility. This can be shown with the OxiMap® display. You can easily show these colour maps to your patients and help them choose better contact lenses.
Contact lenses act as a potential barrier to oxygen transport even when the eyes are open. Long-term wearing comfort can only be guaranteed with a sufficient oxygen supply. The diagram shows the oxygen transmissibility of contact lenses on a colour scale representing international recommendations for daily, extended and continuous wear.
Until now, oxygen transmissibility values were always quoted for the centre of a -3.00 D contact lens. The OxiMap® now shows oxygen transmissibility as a function not only of lens material but also of thickness. The OxiMap® is available for the most frequently sold spherical soft contact lenses. This tool assists you in finding the most suitable contact lens for your patient.
Die Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit weicher Kontaktlinsen ist ein wichtiges Qualitätskriterium. Sie wird als Dk/t-Wert angegeben und beeinflusst maßgeblich die empfohlene Tragezeit. Je höher der Dk/t-Wert ist, umso mehr Sauerstoff gelangt durch die Kontaktlinse zur Hornhaut. Abhängig von Material und dioptrischer Wirkung der Kontaktlinse verändert sich die Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit. Bisher waren nur die Hersteller-Angaben der Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit im Zentrum bei einer Kontaktlinse mit -3,00 dpt bekannt. Die OxiMap® im Keratograph 5M visualisiert erstmals die Dk/t-Werte über die gesamte Fläche in Abhängigkeit von der Kontaktlinsenstärke. Sie wählen den Linsentyp und die entsprechende Stärke aus. Die OxiMap® wird auf das Auge Ihres Kunden oder Patienten projiziert. So können Sie direkt sehen, ob die gewählte Linse beispielsweise für Übernachttragen geeignet ist. Verdeutlichen Sie Ihrem Kunden den Mehrwert moderner Kontaktlinsen!
OCULUS Keratograph 5M - Pupillometrie Der Keratograph macht den Tränenfilm sichtbar Tränenfilm-Quantität (Tränenmeniskus) Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit weicher Kontaktlinsen visualisiert Verständliche Kundenaufklärung Vergleichen Sie unterschiedliche weiche Kontaktlinsen miteinander!




The NIKBUT measurement for dry eye with severe corneal epithelial damage is difficult. Even when the NIKBUT measurement is performed in such cases, the device mostly reports the results as “too short”.

The differences between fluorescein TFBUT and NIKBUT values should be noted, although positive correlation between TMH and Schirmer test values has been reported.

White areas are displayed if the patient blinks before 15 seconds after the measurement started. This does not affect the measurement in any way.

No, the software detects a basic image. In the case of keratoconus for example the strained Placido rings induced by the condition is noted initially by software and distortions from the original image is recorded and indicated as a break in the tear film. However, in cases with advanced keratoconus or severe irregular corneal astigmatism, it is hard to perform the measurement.

No, the area being analyzed during the NIKBUT measurement usually doesn’t coincide with the area affected by the nose shadow.

At least three measurement points (nasal and temporal limbus, pupil center) should be selected. To get the right value the ruler has to be placed on the lid margin and measure perpendicular up to the last reflex of the meniscus. Please see image as reference. The correct measurment is 0.22 mm for this example.

No, however grading scales called the JENVIS Grading Scales for meibomian glands have been included in the software. A sliding bar tool allows for direct comparison of patient results to the grading scale, making meibo grading very easy with the Keratograph 5M.

In eyes with small lid aperture or eyes with ptosis, (commonly seen in the older Asian population), the device cannot detect the conjunctival area correctly.

The particles are a combination of eroding corneal epithelial cells, tarsal conjunctival cells and small air-particles.

Yes, data from the NIKBUT, R-Scan and all keratometric data can be exported to csv files.

Yes, with the 22 Placido disc 22.000 real measured data points are generated after each measurement. None of these are extrapolated measurements.

Yes, a real keratometer is included in the hardware measuring simKs of the anterior surface.

No, the Keratograph is a Placido topographer. Placido discs are projected on the tear film, the software analyzes the resulting images and measurement data of the anterior cornea is generated. No, a Pacido topographer can measure the posterior cornea on its own.

Topographic indices for keratoconus screening are incorporated in the software, as well as Fourier Analysis. Objective inspection of the sagittal map is another tool to aid with diagnosis.

No, lenses cannot be individually measured. Well-known soft lenses were analyzed and the information is programmed into the software. The role of the OxiMap® is to educate patient’s on the importance of using lenses with high oxygen transmissibility, showing them the benefits in an easy to understand image. Furthermore the OxiMap® gives information about the oxygen transmissibility over the entire surface of the lens, as well as differences between prescriptions.

Technical Data

Measurement range 3 – 38 mm (0.1 – 1.5 in), 9 – 99 D
Precision ± 0.1 D
Reproducibility ± 0.1 D
Number of rings 22
Working distance 80 mm
Number of measuring points 22000
Camera Digital CCD camera
Light source Placido illumination: red 650 nm
Imaging illumination: blue 465 nm (UV-free)
Pupillometry illumination: infrarot 880 nm
Dimensions (W x D x H) 275 x 320 – 400 x 480 – 510 mm
(10.8 x 12.6 – 15.7 x 19.3 – 20.4 in)
Weight (Measuring head) 2.3 kg (5.1 lbs)
Weight (with base) 5.3 kg (11.7 lbs)
Power Consumption max. 30 W
Voltage 100 – 240 V AC
Frequency 50 – 60 Hz
Minimum PC requirements Intel® Core™ i5, 1 TB HDD, 8 GB RAM, Windows® 7 – Windows® 10
Recommended screen resolution 1920 x 1200 Pixel


Downloads / Whitepapers / Publikationen

Free Contactlens-Update Version 7.0, 16-bit Version

Datum: 01.06.2011

DICOM Conformance Statement for Keratograph, 2.3.14

Datum: 04.10.2011

DICOM Conformance Statement for Keratograph 4, 1.76

Datum: 04.10.2011


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Tel. +49 641 2005-800

Unsere Topographen im Vergleich

OCULUS Keratograph 5M
OCULUS Keratograph 4
OCULUS Easygraph
Keratograph 5M Keratograph 4 Easygraph
4 Farbdarstellungen wählbar
Fourier- und Zernike-Analyse
Topographisches Keratokonus Screening
Untersuchungen vergleichen
Messung Kontaktlinsen-Rückfläche
Bild- und Videodokumentation mit Fluobildaufnahmen
manueller Aufnahmemodus
JENVIS Pro Dry Eye Report
JENVIS Pro Dry Eye Report Software (Aufnahme- und Auswertesoftware zum Trockenen Auge)
TF-Scan (Beurteilung der Lipidschicht, der TF-Dynamik, Messung der Tränenmeniskushöhe und der nicht-invasiven Tränenfilmaufrisszeit (NIKBUT))
R-Scan (Automatische Klassifizierung des bulbären und limbalen Rötungsgrades)
Meibo-Scan (Meibographie des Ober- und Unterlids)
Untersuchung der Pupillenreaktion mit Pupillogramm, Asymmetrie-Test und manuellem Messmodus
Graphische Darstellung der Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit (Dk/t-Wert) weicher Kontaktlinsen
Technische Daten
Messbereich 3 bis 38 mm, 9 bis 99 dpt 3 bis 38 mm, 9 bis 99 dpt 3 bis 38 mm, 9 bis 99 dpt
Genauigkeit ± 0,1 dpt ± 0,1 dpt ± 0,1 dpt
Reproduzierbarkeit ± 0,1 dpt ± 0,1 dpt ± 0,1 dpt
Ringzahl 22 22 22
Arbeitsabstand 78 bis 100 mm 80 mm 40 mm
Anzahl der ausgewerteten Datenpunkte 22 000 22 000 22 000
Kamera Farbkamera SW-Kamera
Abmessung (B x T x H) 275 x 320 bis 400 x 480 bis 510 mm 275 x 320 bis 400 x 490 bis 517 mm 119 x 102 x 216 mm
Gewicht 3,2 kg (Messteil) / 6,1 kg (mit xy-Tisch) 2,3 kg (Messteil) / 5,3 kg (mit xy-Tisch) 730 g
Details Details